Monday, July 16, 2007

So common!

Looking up just about anything and everything on Google is fast becoming a favorite passtime with me. And more often than not I have found what I had set out to look up and then some more. Today I thought of checking out how many people had the same blog name as I had (Random thoughts) and found out that there were over 1.5 million entries in blogspot alone!! So this at least proved one point to me - this is the most unimaginative and common title used by the bloggers.

Being a novice blogger myself, I had not given it much thought when I started blogging 2-3 months ago. But after my today's discovery, I promptly changed the name of my blog. Boy, do I get an ego massage after doing this? May be .. until I try googling this new title too and find even more number of users having it. But that will not happen until some time from now as I have run out of any new titles for my blog...

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